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As we say every Sunday, our mission as followers of Christ is to MAKE DISCIPLES!
One way we do this is through our Discipleship Pathway


together in worship


deep in Christ


wide to the world

We Gather to worship each Sunday. We Grow deep with Christ and in community with one another through Sunday School Groups and Discipleship Classes. We Go wide to the world by making disciples locally and globally. In order to accelerate the Go stage of our discipleship, we at CFBC have launched D-Groups.


Here's a break down...

D-groups are Discipleship Groups composed of 3-5 members of like gender who meet together weekly
for approximately 1-1.5 hours for the purpose of accelerated spiritual growth and making more disciples.

An ​initial group of D-Group leaders has been trained and have led their group through one season. 

These leaders and those who were part of their group this year are now seeking new group members. 

If you are interested in signing up for a group, please CLICK HERE.

Each group will meet for 12-18 months. The goal is for each group member to start a new D-group after meeting for 12-18 months. New groups should be composed of new believers led to Christ and/or other believers who desire to join a group.

D-group meetings involve Bible engagement based upon each member’s Bible reading/journaling, Scripture memory, prayer, accountability, confession of sin, encouragement to witness, and celebrating those who come to Christ through our witness.

D-group meetings will take place at the location of the leader’s choice. Most groups will meet off campus.

Once you commit to a group, attendance is required at each meeting with the exception of emergencies
(i.e. these are high commitment groups).

Ultimately, D-groups create a relational environment where true life-on-life discipleship can flourish.

These groups are for followers of Jesus who are ready to be challenged to put their faith into action. 


No matter what you’ve been through or what questions you might have, we want you to be a part of the family and grow in Christ through solid, Biblical worship and teaching. 

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241 Douthit Ferry Rd
Cartersville, GA 30120



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